Wednesday, February 16, 2011


After a stressful morning at home, I met a friend of mine out for a maternity photo session.  We had a good time and after a few minutes I was able to relax.   Tabitha has not had many sono’s or sono pictures as Karch (I don’t think I have sono pictures of her any further than 12 wks).  However, maternity pictures are something I did not do with Karch and I didn’t plan on having them done with Tabitha either.  My friend Jessica asked if she could “use my belly” as she has moved back to the area and is rebuilding her photography business and I agreed…the timing worked out well.  I am happy Tabitha will have this to look at when she is older.  Another photography friend of mine, Crystalyn, asked if she could photograph my birth (again, something I would probably not normally do) as she wants to get into birth photography (I feel so blessed), but didn’t know if my doctor would allow it because it is a c-section.  I spoke to my doctor today and he gave us the go ahead.  I am so happy to help my friends out and excited to be able to share this with Tabitha when she is older.  Both of these photography sessions make up for the few sono pictures of Tabitha.  Means even more since this is our last baby. 

Thursday, February 10, 2011

25 Days until we become 4!

Hello all! Thought I would jot a few thoughts down as I continue procrastinating baby projects I need to finish—cutting circles for Tabitha’s wreath and getting stuff together to make her mobile. My personal deadline is February 21st…even dragged my BFF in on the mobile; she is helping me on the 21st to start/complete it. I am extremely lucky that my Aunt Shauna volunteered to paint Tabitha’s room, so all Jason had to do was trim the ceiling.  My dad came over and put ALL of Tabitha’s furniture together by himself.  For all of this I am so thankful as Jason works so much I know these two major “to-do’s” would probably still not be completed…scary.  On February 21st, I plan to have the room complete (pictures to follow)! The weekend of the 21st I have the RRCA (running coaching certification—I cannot wait to start hitting the pavement again) certification the entire weekend and the next is my last weekend being a mother to one child.

This pregnancy has been slow and fast. Slow, because this pregnancy has definitely been more difficult on my body. I was sick (nauseous) a lot at the beginning and randomly throughout. Followed by some major tummy issues a few times and just worn the heck out! My body aches in places I didn’t know could ache…my doctor told me it’s because I am chasing a toddler and more active this go round. Fast, because I AM chasing a two year old all day every day, planning for Tabitha, taking care of house chores/dinner, ½ of the pregnancy I was in school, and keeping up with Jason. Fast, the actual due date is set for March 7th—two weeks early and I am so flippin’ EXCITED I have a “date” to countdown.

Some great friends (gals I met through running) of mine hosted a baby shower for me a few weeks ago. It was amazing…thanks to so much help from family and friends I feel very prepared for Tabitha, just not organized…but what was the date??? February 21st—all will be done! Here are some pictures from the shower, beautiful, huh?!
The Lovely Hostesses 


Holly and I were pregnant together with our first. Now, again and we are having our litte ones on the SAME day!
I have known these ladies since 7th grade!

Karch is getting funnier every day. He cracks me up. Even when I put him to bed, he will try to delay by asking silly things…he will go through all his favorite shows “Doooora, Diego, Thomas, etc.” all followed with a sneaky grin and giggles. Melts my heart and makes me laugh. Another funny moment, flies, yes, flies…we have flies from a lovely dead mouse in the attic which leads to flies in the winter. Karch started noticing them and yells “BEES!” it took me a second to realize what he was talking about. He was chasing them around his play room. I went into the kitchen to do something and next thing I know he is running to me freaking out tears and all pointing to his ear and saying something about BEES. I put it all together and realized one of the “BEES” must have swiped his ear. Poor guy (funny for me, but not him). He is definitely a busy bee himself…it takes an army to keep up with his busy self. We go to play dates and I feel like I am chasing him instead of getting adult time with the moms. He is a rough and tuff kinda boy—I hear often from others including his teacher “he is ALL boy”…yep, I know. Today, I signed him up for Tiny Kicks indoor soccer (I am so happy my friend Lisa told me about it…most activities are for 3 yr olds and up, but this is for 2 yr olds only). You know that means a bunch of boys and girls running around aimlessly and looking so cute in their tiny shin guard’s (the camcorder will definitely be in hand). I figured it is something he can do rain or shine since it is indoors. Such a cool kid.

Okie Dokie, I am going to go eat some cookies with milk…while I can blame it on the baby.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

91 days and counting

Today the doorbell rang and my first thought was, “what did I forget that I ordered for Christmas from Amazon?” When I opened the door, it was an Amazon package, but it was from Karch’s amazing little cousin’s Wyatt and Owen. I consider it a birthday gift as his big day is tomorrow. He got his very first Thomas “choo-choo” track. Once I opened it and put the track together he played with it for a good hour, which is like 10 hours for his active little self.

Tomorrow, Jason is taking the day off for Karch’s 2nd birthday. We plan to go to jump land in the morning, nap, then a Christmas vintage train ride for the evening. Great family fun! Karch has come into his created a feisty personality for himself…I cannot wait to see what this year brings us. His newest action, he holds his finger up to his face as if he is thinking and says “hmmmm”—too cute. Earlier this afternoon, he used this contemplation look when he saw some of his Christmas gifts at the top of Jason’s closet. I can only imagine what was going through that active mind of his…I am sure he was thinking, how the heck can I get those toys down, NOW! Luckily, we were able to distract him and move onto something else.

As for little Tabitha, she is taking up a lot of room in my tummy. Today I am feeling it to the fullest—between last night’s sleep and this morning, I feel like I gained 20lbs, and I am going to pop. 91 days and counting…is it too early to be counting? EEK! I know she will be here before no time. After Christmas especially, the time will fly by. I was able to register for her over the past week, which was good…, one less thing to think about. The shower for Tabitha will be January 30th, I am getting excited.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

2011 has been a very productive year for us—AND WE’RE BACK!

Over the next few months I will have a little extra time to keep up with our family blog as I am taking the spring semester off of school—preparing for our new bundle of Joy and getting some quality time in with Karch. For those of you who don’t know, we are expecting a little girl in March 2011. We bought a house during the summer in Allen. Jason and I got engaged on Thanksgiving. Also, I am back in school and kicking some booty! I think that’s it for our big happenings during this year.
Karch turns two in one week, which amazes me. I am still shocked how quickly time flies by. Jason is taking the day off, so we plan to have a fun family day by strolling through the arboretum or going to jump land during the day. For our birthday evening plans we are taking a vintage “choo-choo” as Karch calls the train on a holiday adventure ( around Grapevine—I think he will get a kick out of it. I love seeing him get excited just recently he starts repeating himself and jumping up and down when he is totally into something.
Everyone is asking about Jason and me getting married now that we are finally engaged. We know it will be in 2012 as we already have a busy 2011 year ahead of us. Plus, if we have a destination wedding this will allow everyone to make plans. We are in talk whether we will have a wedding in TX or have a destination wedding—can’t decide. I know if we have our wedding here, I want to keep it as simple as possible. I am too relaxed of a person to have an extravagant stressful day—not my cup of tea.
Recently, we had our yearly family photos taken here is sneak peak…cannot wait to see the others from the session.

Thursday, March 4, 2010


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Chico and Karch's home

Click here to view this video


My goodness it has been a long time. Finally, I am sitting at the computer and jotting some memories from the last 6-7 months of Karch’s life and our time with him. I have been managing, work, baby/toddler, running, coaching and day to day family time. I figured since I am no longer working I should update a few things around the house: blog, baby book, scrapbook, ext… 1-Soon after his six month’s he started crawling like a rock star, or should I say like a soldier. Yes, he army crawled everywhere because he was much faster this way, rather than on all fours. 2-Karch started eating big boy food (I call it “people” food) between 6-12 months. As you can see he really enjoys it. 3-11 months, he experienced his fist plane ride to visit Kentucky. Karch also met, GG, Uncle Sonny, Aunt Pat, “Cuncle” Jeremy (they go way back), “Cuncle” Bryan, Jaime, his second or third cousins (we never decided) Wyatt and Owen, Aunt Jan and Uncle Woody. I hope I got everyone. Of course, his first visit to Kentucky was also his first time to get “really” sick as in he had a fever and was 100% needy. I felt awful for Karch and everyone else. However, I believe it was a good trip. I know Jason and I enjoyed seeing everyone. During this time, he was also walking with assistance from people or things around the house. 4- 12 months, we gave Karch a perfect birthday party. We kept it simple-just a couple of close friends and family only. The birthday theme was Elmo and it was so cute. As I type this, I remember I still have “thank you” cards to mail. Oops. I get a year, right? 5- 12 ½ months, Karch was on the go! We moved the coffee table and he started walking. I think moving the one thing he depended on so often really helped. Now, he doesn’t stop, ever!